PFVA appeals to export mango from 1st June

Mango crop still immature due to Climatic change, date of export be fixed as 1st June instead of May – Waheed Ahmed, Patron-in-Chief PFVA

Karachi, May 08, 2020: The Climatic Change & Lockdown have severely affected the mango crops. The mango crops in Sindh & Punjab is likely to get matured after a delay of two weeks. The season of mango slides further to a couple of weeks due to non-availability of required level of temperature and humid climate.

The PFVA, keeping these factors in view has requested the Ministry of Commerce to extend the date of export of mango by further twelve days fixing it at 1st June 2020.  The Climatic change has started taking heavy toll of it’s devastating effects by impacting major agriculture crops besides Fruits as well – Waheed shared. 

The mango crop usually gets mature by middle of May ,  however it’s strongly anticipated to be delayed by two weeks this year & exporting pre-matured mango would not be beneficial. On other hand due to lockdown adequate preparations have not yet been made related to export of mango as transportation for carrying labourers to the mango orchards and essential arrangements for packing still have a big question mark.

According to Waheed Ahmed, the Ministry of commerce (MoC) has fixed date of export of mango as 20thh May for the current year, however due to the crops’ immaturity by this given date if the export of mango commences, it would badly hurt export of mango from Pakistan. 

Since the mango crop is still not ready for harvesting and if the date of export of 20th May is followed, the exporters would ship immature and unsuitable mango – Waheed cautioned. Pakistan had sustained huge financial losses last year due to export of unsuitable mango.

Pakistani mango is liked globally due to it’s delicious taste, specific aroma and eye-catching appearance & these inherent characteristics are only developed once the crop is fully matured.

Exporting immature mango, therefore would not meet expectations of the consumers and it’s credibility of the country would be badly affected  and thus the exporters are likely to experience difficulties in getting fair price of mango in the International markets – Waheed disclosed .

In a letter addressed to the MoC , the Association(PFVA) has sincerely requested for extension of date of export of mango to 1st June instead of 20th May so that ripen mango with it’s inherent characteristics of delicious taste & mouth- watering aroma can be exported . 

The letter has further stated that under the current crises of coronavirus Pandemic when the economy of country is under great stress, earning of much needed valuable foreign exchange through exports is vital to support the “hard pressed” economy and thus generation of foreign exchange by export of mango must be ensured.   The Association having given logic reasons anticipates that the genuine request for extension of date of export of mango would be responded favourably keeping the supreme interest of the country in view.

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