
Business community announces support to armed forces

Karachi, February 27, 2019: Business community have vehemently condemned the act of aggression by Indian Air force by violating Pakistan Air space and targeting civilians inside Pakistan.

In a joint statement, the acting president of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Dr. Mirza Ikhtiar Baig, business community leaders S.M. Muneer, Iftikhar Ali Malik, Zubair Tufail and Shaikh Khalid Tawab has said that the Modi’s Government is in hysteric state due to their anticipated defeat and they want to create an atmosphere where they can exploit the sentiments of their voters against Pakistan.

The business community is behind our brave armed forces and expresses its full solidarity with them. Pakistan Armed forces are among the top Professional forces in the world and not only they can defend the motherland but resoundingly respond to the enemy

Dr. Baig said that Pakistan is a nuclear state now and any misadventure by India will have catastrophic consequences for them. Pakistan has acted with responsibility so far and Prime Minister has shown maturity by offering all options to India.

Pakistan’s stance has earned support worldwide and no one has seriously taken Indian allegations against Pakistan foo Pulwama incident. The incident was purely indigenous and reaction to Indian barbaric brutality against Kashmiri people.

The Business community congratulates the Pakistan Air force for downing the tow Indian jets. They said, India must have leant lesson from this response and will think several times before going any further.

Dr. Baig also lauded the efforts of the Foreign Ministry for engaging the world on this crucial issues and effectively projecting Pakistan stance.

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