Karachi, March 09, 2020: Sindh Food Authority temporary sealed Dunkin Donuts manufacturing unit factory in the site area, after exploring the factory the Sindh Food Authority team find some expired packets of candies (bunties) and some unrefined items which have been intermixed.
On the instructions of the director-general of food authority, Sindh Food Authority enforcement and vigilance team raided the factory. The operation director Imtiaz Ali disposed of all the expired products on spot.
The water used in the factory was also found to be low standard, the violation of hygiene principles found in the factory of Dunkin Donuts.
The officials of Sindh food authority imposed a fine of Rs 2lacs on the Dunkin Donuts factory and temporarily sealed the factory.

Sindh Food Authority regulates and monitors the food business to provide safety and standards of Food. The officials are doing great efforts to seal down those factories/shops that violate the hygienic principles, till now 846K improvement notices has been dispatched, 386 premises sealed, and over 1200 products has been banned.
Sindh food Authority came into force under Sindh Food Authority ACT, 2016 having been passed by the provincial Assembly of Sindh on March 08th, 2017 and assented to by the Governor of Sindh on April 08th, 2017 and published as an Act of the Legislature of Sindh.