
Pakistan Economy – Pakistan GDP grew 3.07% in 4QFY24; FY24 GDP grew by 2.52%, higher than previous estimates


Karachi: On 30 September 2024, the National Accounts Committee (NAC) released GDP estimates for 4QFY24, showing growth of 3.07% YoY, taking full-year (FY24) growth to 2.52%, higher than provisional estimates of 2.38% YoY released by the Government on May 21, 2024.

In 4QFY24, agriculture grew 6.76%, industry 3.59%, and services 3.69%.

Agriculture: Growth in Agriculture in 4QFY24 is mainly due to healthy growth in important crops (+26.98%) and the low base effect of the same quarter last year (-7.93% YoY). On a full-year basis, agriculture sector growth now stands at 6.36% for FY24, the highest % growth in 19 years and slightly higher than earlier estimates of 6.25% released by NAC.

Industry: Industrial sector declined by 3.59%, while Large scale manufacturing (LSM) witnessed a positive growth of 4.19%. The construction industry declined -0.47%. This takes FY24 decline to 1.15% compared to earlier estimates of +1.21%. Industrial growth for FY24 is revised down significantly on the back of 23% decline in the Electricity Gas and Water Supply sector compared to the previously estimated decline of 11%. Similarly, the construction sector is now projected to show a decline of 1.47% compared to previously estimated growth of 5.86% for FY24.

Services: Services sector growth stands at 3.69% backed by 9.04% growth in education followed by information and communication at 7.95%, and human health and social work activities at 5.86%. This takes full-year FY24 growth to 2.15%, higher than previously shared growth estimates of 1.21%.

The NAC has also marginally revised down the growth rates of FY23 to -0.22% from -0.21% earlier mainly on the back of a downward revision in agriculture growth to 2.22% from 2.27% earlier.

Outlook: We expect Pakistan’s GDP to grow at 2.5-3.0% in FY25 wherein we expect the agriculture sector to grow at 1.7% followed by Industrial at 2.1% and Services at 3.4%.

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