Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia to jointly start English channel to confront Islamophobia

Islamabad, September 16, 2019: Pakistan, Turkey, and Malaysia on Wednesday decided to jointly start an English language channel dedicated to confronting the challenges posed by Islamophobia and setting the record straight on the religion Islam. Prime Minister Imran Khan, in a twitter message, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed and…

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KVTC & Wonder-Tree signed MoU

An MoU has been signed between Karachi Vocational Training Centre ‘KVTC’ and Wonder-Tree to facilitate children with special needs. Karachi, September 25, 2019: Karachi Vocational Training Center ‘KVTC’ and Wonder Tree has signed the MoU with the objective to facilitate children with special needs through WONDER TREE games to provide gamified physiotherapy and education. KVTC CEO Senator…

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Pakistan Stock Exchange loses 264 points

Karachi, September 25, 2019: Pakistan Stock Exchange continued trading in a narrow range between +39pts and -357pts and closed the session -264pts (-0.8 percent). International crude posted losses and the same had negative impact on local oil & gas listed chain from E&P to OMCs. PSO and PPL also had financial results today, which were mostly…

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