Saudi intercepts two missiles headed towards Makkah, Jeddah

Jeddah, May 21, 2019: Saudi Arabia’s airforces intercepted two ballistic missiles on Monday, including one heading for Makkah and the other for Jeddah, Al Arabiya reported, citing eyewitnesses. The weapons were fired by Houthi militants from Yemen, the report said. The kingdom’s air defense forces destroyed the ballistic missiles over Taif. Saudi authorities are yet to issue…

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Donald Trump issues executive order laying ground for Huawei ban

Tuesday, May 21, 2019: President Donald Trump has issued an executive order that effectively bans US companies from using any telecoms equipment manufactured by China’s Huawei. The White House said the order declared a “national emergency” in relation to threats against US telecommunications and authorized the US commerce secretary to “prohibit transactions posing an unacceptable…

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SBP increases policy rate by 150 bps

Karachi, May 20, 2019: The State Bank of Pakistan has announced to increase the policy rate by 150 basis points to address the microeconomic issues. According to SBP announcement, Policy rate decision taking into account the current considerations and the evolving macroeconomic situation, the Monetary Policy Committee noted that further policy measures are required to address…

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