
How To Finance Your Business In A Time Of Financial Crisis?

No matter how many years of experience you have in running a business, there are times when you will be faced with a financial crisis—either because of a degrading economy or losses within your own business.

However, business demands a strong-hearted individual who, when faced with a crisis, picks themselves up, dust themselves off and keep moving forward. A businessman needs a realist approach—one in which they adjust their sails when a storm comes.

In this regard, financing your business during a crisis may seem impossible; however, it is not. There are various ways you can get financing even when times are tough. In this article, we present some of the most popular ways to get financing for your business when you’re going through a financial crisis.

Getting Bank Loans

Banks are one of the first options to look forward to when needing financing. While there are many banks that have strict standards in lending, JS Bank provides options for ease of doing business and loan terms that are favorable for businessmen.

Avail Crowd Funding

Crowd funding can be an effective way to raise money. There are various sites that allow businesses to raise money. While crowd funding isn’t a long-term strategy, it can be used to finance a single business idea. Usually, you would state how much money you want to raise over what period of time. Your friends, family or strangers can then pledge money on the site. Keep in mind though that you’d have to give people some kind of incentive for them to pledge money. For example, a writer may give their book to someone who pledges money for them.

Using Your Credit Card

While using a credit card for your finances can be a risky endeavor—people still find this option viable. Before you feel like availing this option, let us tell you that falling behind from your monthly payments can be detrimental to your credit score.

Moreover, paying the bare minimum could potentially make a hole you would feel is impossible to get out of. However, saying this, if you’re able to make your monthly payments well, you may be able to extend your accounts payable and pool up your cash flow. Therefore, if you are able to handle it, tapping into your credit card for your finances can be a good option.

Go For Angel Investors

Angel investors are also a good option for financing your business. While you’re trying to attract angel investors, remember to avoid jargon, be succinct and present an exit strategy. Moreover, add your experience into the deal so that the investor knows your credibility in the market.

Furthermore, elaborate the investor of your market assessments, your sales and marketing plans and your competitive analysis to make for a solid bet.


No business is ever immune to a financial crisis—a degrading economy or losses within the business can cause such crisis. However, there are a few ways you can keep your head above the water and keep going forward. Hopefully, this article has helped you in identifying a few of the options available.

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