
DigiMAP condemns journalist inclusion in NACTA schedule


KARACHI, October 9 2024: The Digital Media Alliance of Pakistan (DigiMAP) strongly condemns the inclusion of senior journalists Farooq Mehsud, Ishtiaq Mehsud, and Muhammad Aslam in the Schedule 4th list of the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA).

DigiMAP President Sabookh Syed voiced his strong disapproval, stating that this marks one of the darkest times for journalists and freedom of expression in Pakistan. He emphasized that such actions violate the principles of law and order and can act as tools to destabilize any civilized society.

In an environment where criticism is stifled, authoritarian and anti-human approaches may take root, which would have damaging consequences for society from every perspective.
He expressed concern that journalists are not only being murdered in Sindh, but newspapers are being shut down to suppress freedom of speech and expression.

By closing down newspapers, the financial survival of journalists is being targeted, while simultaneously silencing their voices. This situation is highly troubling for DigiMAP.
The DigiMAP President further added that laws originally intended to combat terrorism are now being misapplied to journalists. He highlighted that journalist unions, human rights organizations, and civil society—both within Pakistan and around the world—are raising concerns over such actions being taken against journalists in Pakistan.

DigiMAP Secretary General, Adnan Aamir, while condemning the addition of journalists’ names to the 4th schedule, said that no journalist should be penalized for fulfilling their duty of reporting the truth.

He welcomed the recent decision by the Deputy Commissioner of South Waziristan Upper to remove the names of journalists from the 4th schedule, calling it a necessary step in upholding press freedom and ensuring the safety of those committed to delivering accurate information to the public.

The federal government has recently taken action against the proscribed Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), adding several individuals to the Schedule 4th list under Section 11EE of Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997 for allegedly assisting the banned organization.
A notification issued by the Interior Ministry declared the PTM “unlawful” under Section 11B of the Anti-Terrorism Act, citing the group’s activities as a “significant danger” to public order and safety.

DigiMAP Communication Secretary Shazia Mehboob welcomed the decision by the Deputy Commissioner to remove the names of journalists from the Schedule list and called for an inquiry into the inclusion of senior journalists’ names in the list.

She stated that adding or removing the names of journalists is not a simple matter; it causes disturbance and panic among journalists, their families, and the broader journalistic community.

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