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Interministerial meeting on simplification of export facilitation schemes
Islamabad, May 22, 2019: Secretary Commerce Sardar Ahmad Nawaz Sukhera chaired an inter-ministerial meeting on simplification of export facilitation schemes i.e. Duty and Tax Remission on Export, Bonded Warehouse, Manufacturing Bond and Export Oriented Units. The prominent exporters from different sectors and representatives of FBR, Textile Division, National Tariff Commission and leading trade bodies i.e….
PIA pilot unloads a Fasting-air attendant from the plane
Islamabad, May 17, 2019: The PIA captain unloads a Fasting-air host of the flight from Islamabad to Birmingham, and demands that the air host will have to break his fast to go with the flight. According to PIA sources, The Flight PK-791 from Islamabad to Birmingham, the argument held between the captain and aerial host….
Pakistan’s Art Treasure, Jamil Naqsh Passes Away
Karachi, May 16, 2019: One of Pakistan’s greatest treasures, Jamil Naqsh, a contemporary artist passed away on the 16th of May, 2019 at the St. Mary’s Hospital in the United Kingdom. The artist was born in 1939 in the city of Kirana, India and moved to Karachi Pakistan during partition. Over the years, his natural…
Stock Market made a positive move
Karachi, May 15, 2019: Market made a positive move on Wednesday, courtesy of Amnesty Scheme as well as news of successful drilling at Kekra. Resultantly, E&P scrips performed well and Investors, in general, took positive bets on Fertilizer, Cement, Banks, and Steel. Cement sector topped the volumes table with 19.4 million shares, followed by Banks (14…
Indus Motor terminates dealership of Toyota Gujranwala Motors
Indus Motor terminates dealership of Toyota Gujranwala Motors for noncompliance of the company’s rules and regulations. According to Indus Toyota Motors Notice is hereby served to all concerned that our dealership operating under the name of Toyota Gujranwala Motors has been terminated on May 13th, 2019 and therefore is no longer associated in any way…